Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Thank you
I am grateful to all of you NJS girls, because I know that we can open up to one another and say. "I'm tired, frustrated, angry..." You can fill in the blank with any number of words. It doesn't matter, I know that we will always be there for one another. No. Matter. What.
That is what our group is about, even more than just scrapbooking. We are friends and we are there for one another as women. When the group first began, the "what if's" were very simple. What if no one comes, what if we don't make enough money to pay the rent, etc. I am grateful today for the harder "what if's" that come with knowing people better and being good friends. The "what if's" in real life are much more difficult. I am grateful for those "what if's", because I know that it means I am truly blessed to have an amazing group of women that I can call my friends.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
That's why I'm so thankful for our scrap day this Saturday. I can put all of these lists down for a day and not go in and look at my suitcase three times a day to make sure that I really did put my travel hair dryer in there. (I know, can you say OCD!!)
October's menu is my favorite...soup and salad. YUM! This weather makes me want soup every day. I only have a few people signed up so far, but I will keep editing the menu below so that you can see what yummy goodies will be there for your to try. Can't wait to see you all there ladies. Good luck getting ready for the retreat, you know that I need some!
Shannon H.--Cashew Salad
Melissa--Cheeseburger Soup
Sunday, September 27, 2009
So, around here, we have been working our fingers to the bone getting ready for our Fall 2009 Women's Hobby Retreat. This is just a sneak peek. You know, one of those really mean ones that doesn't really show anything, but still makes you wonder...hmmm, what is all that stuff? hee, hee! The picture is dark and blurry on purpose, to make you wonder even more!
I've also been looking into what I want to work on while I am at the retreat this year. Since our fall retreat isn't a fundraiser, I'm hoping to get a lot more accomplished this time around. Christmas cards will probably be my assigned retreat work. I hope to have a great design by the time the retreat rolls around; However, I'm running out of time! I took the Copic plunge this weekend, so I will be practicing my coloring and getting that down before we leave. Maybe Angie E. can give me a crash course. hint, hint!
IT'S LESS THAN ONE MONTH UNTIL WE ROCK LAKE PLACID LADIES!!! Can you believe that? If you haven't signed up yet, it's not too late. We do have some spaces available. Shoot me an e-mail and I will get you the info that you need!
Are you going to decorate your door? I am! I have a few ideas, do you? I think that's it's going to be harder than I think...it's such a big canvas to work with. I'm only used to 12 x 12. ;) I can't wait to see what all of you come up with.
I also wanted to mention that Brittany, our favorite massage therapist, will be back again this year. I am getting some info from her about specifics, so look for an e-mail from me about Brittany and her wonderful treatments as well.
I will post again before we scrap next time so that you can sign up. Check us out on facebook, too. I hope that you all have a great week and I will see you soon!!!
Monday, August 24, 2009
The deadline is fast approaching

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Sunday, July 5, 2009
It's July already
Yesterday was our annual 4th of July party. Joe and I work for weeks getting the house ready, planning the menu, and repeating, "The parade starts at noon and we eat after that!"
The first few years it was just my parents and us, sometimes our friends Tim and Lori and their two girls, Tarryn and Holly. As the years went by, we gained a few people liked Becky's parents and her grandchildren. This year, we had all of those folks, some work friends, and some new friends...over 30 in total! It was wonderful.
It started raining during the parade and didn't stop until after everyone left. The atmosphere was so great, no one cared that it was raining! The kids played in our arcade until the hamburgers were cooked, we ate, talked, laughed, and then the kids went swimming. No one seemed to care that it was raining. We were just all there to have fun and enjoy each other. I was so grateful for every one's attitudes.
The point of all of this rambling is to say that I don't want to remember this as the 4th of July where we all sat inside and stared at each other because it rained. I have to scrapbook this to help me remember that this is the 4th of July where we swam in the rain and had fun anyway! I will scrapbook this Independence Day to remember that this is the 4th of July that I noticed how big all of the kids are getting. One of the girls I mentioned before, Tarryn, was in our wedding. She just bought her first house. Her sister is now just about as tall as me. Chanda's kids seem to have grown two feet over the past couple months and Charity's little girl Iva celebrated her first 4th of July ever! I want to remember these details through photos and journaling. When I see all of us enjoying no sunshine and the pictures proving it with bad lighting and damp hair, I want to remember that I am grateful for those things. I am grateful for friends who pitch in and bring food to share, do the dishes, and smile for those rainy pictures!
What will you scrapbook about this 4th of July? Come to our crop Saturday, July 11th. Our menu this month is salads and sandwiches. Sign up by commenting on this blog post, or shoot me an e-mail. I'll keep the menu updated here and also send out another e-mail before the big day. Be the first to tell me about this post on Saturday and I have a special gift for you! See you all Saturday!
Menu update:
Koty-Oriental Cole Slaw
Quinette-Layered Salad
Mindy-Cake Pops
Jenny-Deviled Eggs
Krista-Tuna Salad & Crackers
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Thanks again my NJS friends
Not to be outdone, Lefa won our raffle basket this month. That makes up for forgetting to mention the blog first. Actually, I think that Lefa was just being nice and giving someone else a chance to win since she was our very first blog winner.
It was a very special surprise for our retreat friend Allissa to join us. She drove two and a half hours to spend the day with us and we are all grateful for it. It was such a blast to see her again and hear that sweet drawl of hers! Ya'll come back quick Allissa, ya hear. The sweet tea will be iced and ready to go for you!
Don't forget about our upcoming retreat. It's October 23rd through the 25th. The price is $109, but it only take $25 to hold your spot. The balance is due on or before September 12th. You really need to sign up early to save your spot and to save money. It's $125 if you pay after September 12th! So, come on, sign up soon. E-mail me or leave a comment here and I can send out a registration form. It really is a good time. We will have raffles and a workshop for you, too.
Don't forget, our next crop is July11th, so mark your calendars now. Our menu is salad and sandwiches...nice and light for summer! I will email a menu sign up sheet as our date gets closer. My email issues are all cleared up now and I have a new address...mjbrinduse@comcast.net So, please change me over if you haven't already.
Monday, June 8, 2009
June's gonna be the best month yet!
Please check out our newest member's blogsite. Jennifer Brannies has a fabulous contest going on at www.scraphappymama2.blogspot.com. You won't want to miss that. She is having a contest that of course means...free stuff for the winner. Check it out before Saturday and then work on your entry while you are at Faith on Saturday. What could be better? What could be better is another free gift. If you are the first person on Saturday morning to mention (to ME) reading about Jennifer's contest, then you will win a prize from me! Sweet, right?
Now, I am having a terrible time sending you all e-mails due to a "Barracuda" spam blocker. So, please someone, anyone, tell me how to fix this. I can't get e-mails to you...I have tried and tried and have received hundreds of failure notices. So, you techy scrappers out there, help me out please!
Have a great week ladies and we look forward to seeing you soon.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Happy Memorial Day
Enjoy yourselves, but please remember this holiday isn't just about picnics and BBQ's. We are able to be American's because of their courage and we are deeply humbled by their self sacrifice.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Sunday, April 26, 2009
What do you think?
I know that there were lots of photo opportunities this weekend. So far, the best online pricing that I have found is at http://www.winkflash.com/. With coupon code, "only6cents" your prints are just that...only six cents. Most of you know that Winkflash is who I use and love, but just in case you don't love them, check out http://www.dotphoto.com/ and http://www.snapfish.com/ for their nine cent print deals.
Thanks for checking in with us here at our beautiful new blog. Please feel free to comment here or send an e-mail and let us know what you would like to see here. I like to talk, but we're going to provide some real content, too.
Please keep two of our girl's in your prayers this week, Vicki Davidson and April Brown. Vicki Davidson is in the hospital with blood sugar and blood pressure issues, but thankfully has been moved out of ICU. April Brown's grandmother just passed away today. Please keep them and their families in your thoughts as they endure this struggle.
Have a great week, we look forward to hearing from you. The NJS team
Sunday, April 19, 2009
We will try to update this blog at least weekly and try to keep the information here as current as we can. As we learn more about posting here, we hope to include all of you. Please keep us informed of what you are up to, designing, etc. We hope to have guest designers for you to learn from as well as lots and lots of pictures.
Please subscribe to our blog and receive updates whenever we post. Let us know what you would like to see here. This is your site, too. We want to please you and keep you happy. YOU are Not Just Scrappin'. We hope to see you at our next event...May 9, 2009! As always, thank you for your continued support.